Life · Nonsense

Our Queen, Carrie Fisher: Drowned in Moonlight, Strangled by Her Own Bra

The last 24 hours have been a quiet one in our household. Yesterday I broke the news through tears to my husband who then wandered the house repeatedly mumbling “Shit, shit shit. Well shit” to himself before disappearing into the bedroom to take a 3 hour nap (this is how he processes things). I cried… Continue reading Our Queen, Carrie Fisher: Drowned in Moonlight, Strangled by Her Own Bra


Happy Picard Day!

“Captain Picard Day is celebrated on June 16th because it is the equivalent date to Stardate 47457.1, mentioned in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode entitled The Pegasus. In that episode, Captain Picard Day is an occasion for the Enterprise to host schoolchildren and show them what Starfleet is like.” – I don’t… Continue reading Happy Picard Day!