
LOVE WINS! Some personal thoughts on this important victory for gay rights.

For the last few months, my feelings about marriage were conflicting. Wait, let me say that better. My feelings about my sudden newfound ability to get married were conflicting. I had only been in relationships with women for about nine years before Jake came along (and yes, I realize I haven’t updated in almost a… Continue reading LOVE WINS! Some personal thoughts on this important victory for gay rights.

Art · Comics

Cartoon Network’s Summer Refresh! Interview with Creative Group Senior Producer Leslie Kleine

What time is it? It’s ADVENTURE TIME! Or really – it’s time for Cartoon Network to get a Summer Refresh! Earlier this month, I was contacted about this particular campaign and was super excited to see Cartoon Network’s latest makeover. If you’re an avid Cartoon Network fan, you’ve most likely already seen this, but just… Continue reading Cartoon Network’s Summer Refresh! Interview with Creative Group Senior Producer Leslie Kleine