Gaming · Life

Dungeons & Dragons: My Story and A Personal Thank You to the Growing Community

It’s 2 in the morning so I’m going to ramble for a little bit about this fun little game called Dungeons & Dragons and why it matters so dearly to me. You might have already heard this from me before (especially if you follow me on twitter) but bear with me. I’ve been playing DnD… Continue reading Dungeons & Dragons: My Story and A Personal Thank You to the Growing Community

Art · Gaming

Kickstarter! OVA: The Anime Role-Playing Game by Clay Gardner!

This much-awaited (much, much, MUCH awaited) Kickstarter project is the brain child of my friend Clay Gardner (with gorgeous illustration work by Niko Geyer) and pretty much SHATTERED its goal within hours – JUST hours. It’s called OVA: The Anime Role-Playing Game and I am so excited to start playing this game. I love anime,… Continue reading Kickstarter! OVA: The Anime Role-Playing Game by Clay Gardner!