
Cool Eco-Friendly Packaging Designs

I’m a huge fan of being eco-friendly and sustainable. Slowly but surely, almost all the products in our house have been going way of all-natural and organic. From our milk to our cleaning supplies, we make sure that nothing is toxic to us or our furry kids. Now we’re taking it another step forward – we’re trying to buy just items that are packed in eco-friendly material!

That being said, here are some pretty awesome eco-friendly packaging designs that’ll not only make you look cool, but also help you save the planet.

Eco-Friendly Packaging Designs!

Earphones in Cardboard!


These Sennheiser CX 300 earphones come in a pretty cool looking cardboard package.
Source: Design Muse

The Paper Bottle


Made from completely renewable resources, this is a good substitute to a normal plastic bottle.
Source: The Die Line

A Shoe That Fits


Now you don’t have to fill all that space with that crumpled up paper!
Source: Environmental Leader

Making Shipping Greener


Now this is probably my favorite idea and one that would be easy to implement.

100% Recyclable Notebooks

Duffy Myndology

I want to get me one of these. They look beautiful, don’t they?
Source: Design Milk

Boxed Water Is Better


Right up there with the paper bottle, here’s water in a box!
Source: The Die Line

Fruits of An Organic Soapnut


I’m a fan of the eco-friendly packaging design of this little organic fruit (use it to clean your laundry!).
Source: Eaternal

It’s all in the Packaging


This marketing group understands the importance of good design and eco-friendly packaging.
Source: Design Smith Marketing

This One’s for the Dogs


I love this all-natural packaging concept for Iams dog food.
Source: Automatic Art and Design

What Every Girl Wants


Chocolates in a beautifully design eco-friendly box. Yummy and sustainable!
Source: Packaging Magazine

Got anymore eco-friendly packaging designs you’d like to share with us? Let us know!

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