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Kickstarter! Everspace by Rockfish Games is the Deep Space Game of your Dreams!


YOU GUYS. I’m stoked up this upcoming game called Everspace by Rockfish Games (the folks who brought to you Galaxy on Fire). It’s a single-player 3D space shooter with rogue-like elements and non-linear storytelling – and it’s absolutely GORGEOUS!


With nine days to go, they’ve (thankfully) already hit their goal of $244,285, but they’ve got some excellent stretch goals they’re trying to hit – like support for Mac OSX support, additional languages, and more! One of my favorite things about this game is that you can switch between first person shooter and third person. As someone who gets motion sickness easily, I can’t play FPS games as much as I would like, so knowing that I can switch to third person while playing is a total win for me in this game. Plus, did I mention just how stunning the graphics are?


If you’re a fan of Star Wars or Mass Effect or any game that takes place in space, this looks right up your alley. I know it does mine and I’m stoked to check this out. Along with the Kickstarter, you can also check them out over on Steam where they’ve already been greenlit!


Since this has already reached its goal, I’m excited to play this game in the future. Any game where I get to fly around in space has my vote! Thanks Rockfish Games! What are y’all waiting for? GO PLEDGE FOR EVERSPACE!

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